For the very first post on this brand new blog, I suppose it would be apropos to write something by way of a brief introduction. If you've already read
How To Raise Rabbits, you know that it is a brand-new 192-page book, published by Voyageur Press and written by Samantha Johnson (that would be me). The book is filled with full-color photographs by Daniel Johnson (my talented pro-photographer brother) and covers all topics related to rabbit raising. If you haven't yet seen
How To Raise Rabbits, then you'll become acquainted with the book as you browse the blog and keep up with the future posts.
HTRRabbits is my second book on rabbits. The first,
The Field Guide to Rabbits (Voyageur Press, 2008) is a full-color guide that is designed as an introduction to the 47 rabbit breeds currently recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA). I am also the co-author of
How To Raise Horses and H
orse Breeds: 65 Popular Horse, Pony, and Draft Horse Breeds, and I have written articles for several magazines including
Hobby Farm Home,
Out Here, Rabbits USA, Pony Enthusiast, and
Welsh in Canada. In addition to freelance writing, I raise Welsh Mountain Ponies and Holland Lop and Dutch rabbits. I'm also a horse show judge, and am certified with the Wisconsin State Horse Council and the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of America.
I hope you'll check back here from time to time, as this blog will feature updated information on
HTRRabbits but also on topics related to raising rabbits, from breeds and showing to colors and care. Enjoy!